27-29 August 2025 – Call for papers



of the
Italian Society
for Analytic Philosophy

Minds and Worlds

August 27-29, 2025

Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences, University of Turin

Palazzo Nuovo, via S. Ottavio 20, Turin, Italy

The deadline for submission is Apr 30, 2025

Plenary Speakers

Maria Baghramian (University College Dublin)
Cristina Redondo (University of Genoa)
Crispin Wright (University of Stirling)

Keynote Speakers

Aesthetics: Elisabeth Schellekens (University of Uppsala)
AI and Digital Technology: Marta Halina (University of Cambridge)
Epistemology and Philosophy of Logic: Gil Sagi (University of Haifa)
Metaphysics and Ontology: Barbara Vetter (Freie Universität Berlin; lecture sponsored by the Catholic University of Milan)
Moral Philosophy: Lisa Bortolotti (University of Birmingham)
Philosophy of Language: Jessica Pepp (University of Uppsala)
Philosophy of Law: Kevin Toh (University College, London)
Philosophy of Mind: Robert Hopkins (New York University)
Philosophy of the Sciences: Sabina Leonelli (Technical University, Munich)
Political Philosophy: Lisa Herzog (University of Groningen)

Symposium on Daniel Dennett: Pierre Jacob (Jean Nicod Institut, Paris)
Symposium on the Ethics of AI: Benedetta Giovanola (University of Macerata), Ibo van de Poel (TU Delft)
Symposium on Refereeing Injustice: Franz Berto (University of St. Andrews), Lisa Bortolotti (University of
Birmingham), Carlotta Pavese (Cornell University), Alberto Voltolini (University of Turin)

Contributions are welcome for the symposia and for the following parallel sessions:
1. Aesthetics
2. AI and Digital Technology
3. Epistemology and Philosophy of Logic
4. History of Philosophy
5. Metaphysics and Ontology
6. Moral Philosophy
7. Philosophy of Action
8. Philosophy of Language
9. Philosophy of Law
10. Philosophy of Mind
11. Philosophy of Religion
12. Philosophy of the Sciences
13. Political Philosophy

Submissions on cutting-edge topics, such as climate change, misinformation, gender and intergenerational justice, ethical and social implications of new technologies, are particularly welcome.

All submissions will be blind-reviewed. The selection process will focus on quality and philosophical significance. Abstracts must be written in English, submitted as pdf files, and prepared for blind review.
Please submit (i) a short abstract of no more than 300 words and (ii) a long abstract of no more than 1000 words, references included.
These documents should be fully anonymized and contain the title of the talk and a clear indication of the preferred parallel session. Long abstracts should clearly outline not only the thesis that will be defended, but also the author’s intended argument.
Participants can only send one contribution as first authors, but they can appear as second authors of other contributions.

Submissions will be made through Microsoft CMT at

The deadline for submission is Apr 30, 2025. Notification of acceptance is expected by June 15, 2025.

Up to six SIFA bursaries of 250 euros each will be awarded to young scholars on the basis of the quality of the long abstracts. Bachelor, Master and PhD students, as well as young scholars (max. 5 years from PhD award) not permanently affiliated to higher education institutions, are eligible for the prize. To compete for the prize, (i) add “SIFA Young Scholar Prize” to the title of your abstract and (ii) send a short CV to sifaphilosophy@gmail.com —please write “SIFA YOUNG SCHOLAR PRIZE” in the subject-line of your email.

One Young Scholar Prize will be dedicated to the memory of Eva Picardi (1948-2017), a founding member and former President of SIFA. To compete for the prize, early career woman philosophers are requested (i) to add “EVA PICARDI PRIZE” to the title of their abstract and (ii) to send a short CV to sifaphilosophy@gmail.com—please write “EVA PICARDI PRIZE” in the subject-line of the email.

Participation in the Conference is allowed only upon payment of the following two fees:

(i) the 2025-26 SIFA membership fee; please register on our website at this page.

(Please note that, as a result of the implementation of the new tax legislation, the fee will expire on September 30, 2026.)

(ii) the conference fee, by bank transfer:
Società Italiana di Filosofia Analitica
Cariparma Crédit-Agricole (via Armorari, 4 20123 Milano)

IBAN: IT07H0623001627000045841814
After completing the payment, please forward a pdf file containing payment confirmation to sifaphilosophy@gmail.com.

Early bird conference registration (by August 1st, 2025):
€ 105,00: faculty (Rtd-b, Rtt, Associate Professors, Ordinary Professors; includes the 2025/26 SIFA membership)
€ 55,00: others (Ph.D. students, post-doc students, Rtd-a, teachers; includes the 2025/26 SIFA membership)

Late conference registration (after August 1st, 2025):
€ 125,00: faculty (Rtd-b, Rtt, Associate Professors, Ordinary Professors; includes the 2025/26 SIFA
€ 65,00: others (Ph.D. students, post-doc students, Rtd-a, teachers; includes the 2025/26 SIFA membership)

Early bird registration will be open on July 1, 2025.

Registration for Bachelor and Master Students: All Bachelor and Master students (studenti triennali e magistrali) can attend the Conference by only paying the 2025-26 SIFA membership. No conference fee will be required.
Nota Bene: The conference fee does not cover the conference dinner. Instructions for the registration to the conference dinner will be provided in due time.

• Deadline for submission: Apr 30, 2025
• Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2025
• Registration opens: July 1, 2025
• Early registration deadline: August 1, 2025

Further informations

All inquiries should be addressed to sifaphilosophy@gmail.com.

Steering committee

Cristina Amoretti (University of Genoa), Matteo Baggio (University of Turin), Carola Barbero (University of Turin), Marta Benenti (University of Murcia), Sofia Bonicalzi (University Roma Tre), Davide Bordini (University of Turin), Fabrizio Calzavarini (University of Turin), Damiano Canale (Bocconi University), Elisa Caldarola (University of Turin), Daniele Cassaghi (University of Turin), Vincenzo Crupi (University of Turin), Massimo Dell’Utri (University of Sassari), Elvira Di Bona (University of Turin), Filippo Ferrari (University of Bologna), Mara Floris (University Vita-Salute S. Raffaele Milan), Francesco Genco (University of Turin), Mariaenrica Giannuzzi (University of Turin), Andrea Iacona (University of Turin), Marco Mazzone (University of Catania), Pietro Maffettone (University of Naples), Cristina Meini (University of Eastern Piedmont), Don Oxtoby (University of Turin), Eugenio Petrovich (University of Turin), Agostino Pinna Pintor (University of Turin), Matteo Plebani (University of Turin), Giuliano Rosella (University of Turin), Lorenzo Rossi (University of Turin), Jan Sprenger (University of Turin), Alberto Voltolini (University of Turin), Luca Zanetti (IUSS Pavia).

Main sponsor

Compagnia di San Paolo; Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Torino; University of Turin

Lecture sponsor

Catholic University of Milan